While the weeklong ceasefire announced by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko last week did not bring an end to fighting over the weekend, it appears that the level of violence has diminished and that the Ukrainian “anti-terrorist operation” has been put on hold.
Ukrainian forces reportedly returned fire when attacked, but they stayed in place and ceased trying to dislodge the separatists from Slavyansk and other towns where their forces are concentrated. They also stopped trying to extend control of the border and cut the separatists off from supply lines into Russia. It appears that at least some of the separatists have agreed to abide by a ceasefire until the end of the week.
The narrative in Kyiv is that with a new president at the helm, the government is trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis despite the Ukrainian military having made considerable progress against the separatists, particularly in securing most of the border. The ceasefire means the border will stay open enough to allow separatist fighters to seek safe haven in Russia if they so choose, albeit without their heavy weapons.
Kyiv is at the same time trying to secure Moscow’s cooperation in de-escalating the crisis. Poroshenko has responded to anti-Maidan sentiments in Donetsk and Luhansk by promising to respect the language rights of all minorities, including of course Russians, and to undertake a measured decentralization of Ukraine’s unitary state. In practicality, this means elections for local councils and greater control of tax revenues and spending — and not formal “federalization,” let alone the kind of federalization that Moscow has been advocating.
And finally, Kyiv has agreed to enter into discussions with separatists, which reportedly began earlier today. However, Poroshenko has also referred to a “Plan B” if the peace effort fails. The implication is that if the separatists refuse to put down their arms, the military will press ahead with its offensive, fully sealing the border and defeating the resistance decisively on the battlefield.
That strikes me as a rather sanguine take on the situation.
There was convincing evidence late last week that the Russian border was still very much open and that at least one large armored column — much larger than anything else I have seen on the side of the separatists — had crossed over into Ukraine and appeared to be headed toward Slavyansk. (Interestingly, I have come across nothing on the web that indicates just where that column ended up.)
It also appeared that the Russian military was once again moving forces toward the border, even as Moscow prepared the ground politically for a “humanitarian intervention” in the east.
All this came against the backdrop of Putin ordering the snap mobilization of some 65,000 Russian troops in the country’s Central Military District over the weekend.
At the least, all this suggests to me that if the ceasefire breaks down, there will be no quick military victory for Kyiv.
Nevertheless, the good news is that so far there has been no unilateral “humanitarian intervention” by Moscow. And there has also been some good news for Kyiv on the political front. Poroshenko announced today that a former Ukrainian president, Leonid Kuchma — who is from the east and is an acceptable figure to Moscow — will represent Kyiv in a trilateral “contact group” that has been charged with implementing his peace plan.
Kuchma, along with the two other members of the contact group, have apparently already traveled to Donetsk and met with Aleksandr Borodai, the Donetsk People's Republic’s “prime minister,” along with one or more representatives of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR). After the meeting, Borodai was quoted as stating: “The consultation ended with authorities of the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics agreeing to maintain a ceasefire for their part … until the 27th.”
Borodai also promised that the DPR and LPR would seek the release of the OSCE observers who have been held by some unknown groups of separatists for most of the past month. Meanwhile, Moscow has been less critical of the peace plan today than it was over the weekend.
While these developments are heartening, and there is at least a chance that they could lead to a lasting political settlement, I remain quite skeptical.
Poroshenko is already under political pressure in Kyiv from those who think military operations against the separatists should continue full bore. He will find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to defend an agreement with someone like Borodai, who is Russian citizen, has been a member of a Russian far-right organization, and has never been elected to any office.
Nor can Poroshenko agree to anything that falls short of a restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty in the east and the full applicability of the Ukrainian constitution, revised or otherwise, in the region — something that many if not most of the armed separatists will find unacceptable.
Most importantly, I do not believe that Moscow will accept an outcome that leads to a restoration of Kyiv’s writ in the east.
The program minimum for Moscow is a “Transnistria Solution” for the Donbas area in Ukraine's east – that is, the establishment of a breakaway region, preferably one with a Russian “peacekeeping force” in place, that blocks a restoration of Kyiv’s sovereignty, is more-or-less Kremlin-controlled, keeps Ukraine out of NATO, and facilitates Moscow’s efforts to apply constant pressure on Kyiv to return to the fold.
And Moscow may well get its way.
SEE ALSO: These images show how hard daily life has gotten in Ukraine's war-torn east