The movies of director Zack Snyder are about as polarizing as any studio filmmaker’s, so when he tweeted out a picture of the new Batmobile from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, we can assume he was prepared for some criticism. Fans complained about a particular aspect of the vehicle that does not conform to the version seen in the comics: the guns. This new Batmobile is front-loaded with weapons that would not look out of place in an American military vehicle.
It’s a concerning decision, especially since Batman’s code of ethics precludes him from intentionally killing people. But the real problem is that it shows how little Snyder has learned from the mistakes of Man of Steel. We all remember the outcry from fans when Snyder had Superman kill General Zod in that movie’s climax, and it appears that Snyder is doubling down on the violence, despite that criticism.
But it is unfair to lay all this at Snyder’s feet. There has been an increasing militarization of our superheroes afoot for decades, and Snyder is only continuing that tradition. In the Marvel world, superheroes perpetually exist in a military milieu. Tony Stark is a reformed defense contractor, while The Avengers was essentially about a Special Forces unit that prevented another 9/11.
When it comes to Batman, the evolution of the Batmobile itself shows a clear trajectory. In the 1966 television show, it was a convertible sedan with a bat logo painted on the side. By the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton era, it was sleeker and more aerodynamic. That version had weapons on it, too – rocket launchers and bars that protruded from its wheels – but they were never used to kill Batman’s enemies, only incapacitate them.
Christopher Nolan is the filmmaker most responsible for weaponizing the Batmobile, but he too is a product of his times. In the post-9/11 era, we demanded our film violence become more realistic, perhaps as a way of re-living the trauma of that historically violent day. Our action movies turned more visceral, like in the shaky-cam sequences of Paul Greengrass’s Bourne movies and the existential violence of Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds. Our superheroes stopped fighting urban crime and started fighting terrorism.
Specifically, Nolan used the Batman character to examine our attitudes towards the American response to the War on Terror, so it is fitting that he turned to military design to create the Tumbler Batmobile. In his films, the Tumbler traversed an urban landscape, but its similarity to the vehicles used by the US military to navigate the rocky terrain of Afghanistan and Iraq did not go unnoticed. In fact, the creative influence ran in both directions, as a British defense contractor used the Tumbler as inspiration for real-life military vehicles.
Nolan may have turned Batman into a military creature, but Snyder has significantly strengthened the connection. Man of Steel was the closest thing to a feature-length military recruitment ad since Top Gun. The production got access to military hardware, including an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that had not even flown a real-life mission before its appearance in the movie, and military personnel to use as background actors. In exchange, the Pentagon received script approval and access to the Superman brand for the National Guard’s “Soldier of Steel” recruitment videos that played in many theaters before the film. Snyder actually filmed these spots himself in coordination with the military.
None of this is entirely new. Filmmakers have sought access to military hardware for decades, and many have been willing to tailor their script to the military’s specifications to get it. Top Gun is probably the most successful example – recruitment in military flight programs spiked after the film’s release – but in the last several years alone, films such as Battleship, Iron Man and all the Transformers installments received help from the military in exchange for script approval.
But it’s the controversy that is interesting here. Maybe it’s only coming from fanboys demanding strict adherence to the comics, but I also can’t help but think that this is part of an amorphous but powerful movement in our country to expose and reduce our systemic cultural violence. Fanboys were upset about Superman killing Zod, but they and others were also disturbed about the thousands of individuals who perished as collateral damage when Superman and Zod had their final battle.
When I look at the new Batmobile, the first thing I think of is Ferguson and the way that our civilian police forces are being armed with military-grade equipment. Is Snyder making a comment on this militarization of our civilian culture? Is he confronting us with our own violent nature and forcing us to consider the collateral damage? That’s probably giving him too much credit, but our reaction is a comment in and of itself, and it tells us a lot about our culture’s changing attitude towards violence, both onscreen and off.