The airspace over Libya is getting crowded.
Since mid-2014, the country has been divided between two rival factions: the House of Representative (HOR) and its supporters in Operation Dignity and the Libyan National Army (LNA) on one side, and the General National Congress and allied Libya Dawn militias on the other.
These competing governments, the de facto authorities in the areas under their control, are based in Tobruk in the east and Tripoli in the west, respectively.
The two claimants to supreme power in Libya continue to fight one another for control over the country.
In attempts to gain a tactical advantage over one another, both the LNA and Libya Dawn have employed airpower, flying aging aircraft against enemy ground positions.
The use of combat aviation by both sides in the fighting in Libya is unique among the number of violent conflicts across the Middle East-North Africa region. In all other cases, only one side maintains a monopoly on airpower.
#Libya Mig-23UM at al-Watya air base displaying new roundel design via
— Joseph Dempsey (@JosephHDempsey) January 8, 2015
The Libyan Air Force
The Libyan Air Force (LyAF) was decimated by the 2011 Libyan Civil War, which saw the overthrow of longtime dictator Moammar Gaddafi and a NATO no-fly zone across the country.
The new revolutionary Libyan government began attempts to upgrade the dilapidated Air Force in 2012, but that effort was hampered by internal strife and by the open-ended international arms embargo imposed on the country by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1970 during the 2011 revolution against Gaddafi. Currently, the air force consists of small numbers of aging Soviet-era fighter jets and bombers, including the MiG-21 and variants of the MiG-23.
In addition to these, Arab countries allied with the internationally-recognized government, particularly Egypt, have ignored the embargo and delivered aircraft and equipment, including four of the more advanced Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets, received in January 2015, and additional refurbished MiG-21 variants received in March 2015.
After Libya Dawn militias seized the capital, Tripoli, in August 2014, the internationally recognized government (the HoR) and the LNA employed aircraft to target the advancing militias. The Libyan military continues to use air strikes to target its opponents’ in the country, including Libya Dawn affiliates and the al-Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Sharia.
In January, the pro-Libyan Army Operation Dignity announced that the port of Misrata — a major industrial city and base of support for Libya Dawn — was a “legitimate target” due to its ties with the militias. This expansion of potential targets to include civilian-populated areas marked a shift to targets outside of the areas of operation of the Libyan Army’s ground forces, a move heavily criticized internationally. The expansion of targets also drew condemnation from international monitors for the alleged indiscriminate use of banned cluster munitions.
While Operation Dignity attacks have caused unintended civilian casualties, the majority of the strikes over the past several months have been near the frontlines of the fighting across the country. Bin Jawad — where Libyan Army forces and Libya Dawn militias are fighting over control of the country’s strategic oil transit point of Ras Lanuf — and neighborhoods in southwestern Benghazi — controlled by al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Sharia and the Islamist Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries — are the primary target of LyAF bombings, often in conjunction with Operation Dignity/LNA offensives in these same areas.
The Tobruk government has also employed aerial bombardment as a means to enforce its maritime border and restrict unauthorized oil shipments. In a span of two weeks in January 2015, Libyan jets targeted two oil tankers approaching ports not controlled by the government, damaging the ships and causing casualties.
The government justified its attacks on these internationally-flagged tankers by claiming that they were transporting militants and arms to opposition militias, but the attacks were meant to send a message that maritime vessels in Libyan territorial waters suspected of working with Libya Dawn or the GNC could be targets.
Libya Dawn’s Growing Air Power
Libya Dawn forces, too, have begun to employ their own aircraft.
In early January 2015, a Libya Dawn commander released a video with a MiG-23, claiming that his forces would soon be able to use jets captured during the 2011 Civil War to strike their enemies. Around the same time, reports indicated that Misratan Air College had successfully refurbished one dilapidated MiG-23 and was reported working to restore additional aircraft, including a MiG-25.
It is unclear whether these aircraft have actively been employed in attacks against the Libyan Army, but by February 2015 aircraft flown by Libya Dawn forces began to launch attacks against their adversaries with increased frequency.
Libya Dawn’s air force has primarily relied on the L-39 aircraft to conduct aerial operations. This jet, unlike the MiG-21s and MiG-23s used by the LyAF, is designed as a trainer aircraft, and has been adapted to a combat role by Libya Dawn forces in order to compensate for the lack of more advanced aircraft in their fleet. It is unlikely that more than one or two of the more advanced Soviet-era aircraft are combat-ready, as evidenced by one more recent attack involved a single MiG flying close air support for the two L-39s that dropped the bombs.
Since February, Libya Dawn has pressed its aircraft into service in an attempt to challenge the Libyan Air Forces’ dominance of the skies. Like its foes in Operation Dignity, Libya Dawn’s Air Force has been employed against a mixture of enemy fixed positions near the frontlines and also built-up areas such as the city of Zintan — a pro-LNA stronghold in western Libya — and the critical oil terminals at Ras Lanuf and Sidra.
#Libya Mig-23UM at al-Watya air base displaying new roundel design via
— Joseph Dempsey (@JosephHDempsey) January 8, 2015
Struggle for the Libyan Skies
In recent weeks, both sides of the conflict engaged in tit-for-tat airstrikes against one another. The Libyan Air Force has bombed the Mitiga Air Base (in Tripoli), the Misrata Airport, and the Jufra Air Base (near Sirte), while Libya Dawn has gone after the Zintan Airport. By going after air bases to cause damage either to the facilities or the runways themselves, both Libya Dawn and Operation Dignity indicate that they intend to disrupt one another’s aviation operations and obtain a monopoly on airpower.
As both sides continue to develop and expand their capacity to conduct air strikes, the complexity and frequency of the strikes will inevitably increase. Aerial bombardment will likely take a more prominent role on the battlefields south of Tripoli and near Ras Lanuf.
There is a high likelihood that, within the next few months, Libya Dawn and LyAF aircraft will engage one another in dogfights over Libya. The conflict over Libya is far from over, and it will be fought just as much in the skies over its land as it will be on the land itself.
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