Iran Plans Second Attempt To Launch Monkeys Into Space
Iranian space officials announced they will make another attempt to launch a live monkey into space within the next month, according to news reports."Testing phase of these living capsules has ended...
View ArticleThe US Sold A Bunch Of Weapons To Bahrain During Its Brutal Crackdown
The U.S. has been selling arms to Bahrain amid the small Mideast nation's increasingly repressive crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, Justin Elliot of ProPublica reports. The sales, combined with...
View ArticleThe US Plans To Give Drones To Afghanistan Amid Heated Policy Debate
Barack Obama and Hamid Karzai's recent meeting didn't reveal much of anything, but afterward Karzai Ā followed it up by telling reporters the U.S. plans to hand Afghanistan its own fleet of...
View ArticleThe Army Wants A Massive New Complex For Its Fleet Of Drones
So the Army is taking bids on parts of its new 'Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Complex' ā slated to cost between $20 and 25 million.Mark Thompson of Time's Battleland blog jokesĀ that this can't possibly fit...
View ArticleEx-Soviet Police Chief Charged With Setting Up A 'Gay Surveillance Honeytrap'
The head of Georgia's Military Police stands accused of a massive coercion ring centered around covert homosexual 'agents' seducing "publicly well-known" targets while the police secretly...
View ArticleNASA Images Show Thick Toxic Clouds Over Beijing
In case you missed it, the air quality issue in Beijing is no joke; playing out like a scene from some 20th century environmental disaster novel. Flights are cancelled, roads are blocked with pile-ups,...
View ArticleReddit Thread Inspires Warner Bros Film About Modern US Marines Taking On The...
In the past decade Hollywood has given us movies that began life as theme-park rides, board games, magazine articles, and even self-help books. Now get ready for the next wave of tech-flavoured source...
View ArticleThere's No Way Out Of The Guantanamo Bay Paradox
In September of 2012, Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, a Yemeni detainee at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was found dead of a psychiatric drug overdose. As one of the first men to be...
View ArticleA Bombed-Out Tank Almost Became My Good Friend's Burning Coffin
Antonio and I cruise the desert of our childhood like time stopped a decade ago, with the windows rolled down. I would have been in my last year of high-school and when you are young the blinders are...
View ArticleSenior US Adviser: 'Drone Strikes May Be The Best Bad Idea Available In Mali'
The U.S. is reported to be "mulling" drone strikes in Mali, and has at the very least dispatched spy drones and support materials to aid French legionnaires and its Air Force.From a recentĀ Nicole...
View Article'Zero Dark Thirty' Director Kathryn Bigelow Offers Sobering Statement On Torture
Kathryn Bigelow took to the LA Times this morning not to make a case for or against "torture," but to highlight the factĀ that the movie helps us to remember that it did actually happened.From the LA...
View ArticleMalian Rebels Are Blending Into The Desert To Confound French-Backed Forces
French-led forces in Mali are beginning to find just how hard it will be to eliminate the jihadist rebels that have commandeered the northern two-thirds of the country.The first major ground operation...
View ArticleWhat's Happening Right Now In Africa Goes Far Beyond National Borders
Things around Mali have been moving very quickly since the French began an offensive to root out jihadists in the country's north, and today the conflict went international.Dozens of al-Qaeda-linked...
View ArticleThe F-15 Is Hands Down The Best American Fighter Ever Built [PHOTOS]
From the moment the F-15 first tore into the sky, it had one primary goal: total air superiority.This meant being punchy yet nimble. It also had to possess strong air-to-ground ability for gettingĀ in...
View ArticleUS Minesweeper Runs Aground Near Disputed South China Sea Islands
A US Navy minesweeper has run aground in a protected marine sanctuary in the Philippines.The USS Guardian ran aground on the Tubattaha Reef on Wednesday night "during normal transit", it said.The...
View ArticleHostages Killed In Algeria, Dozens More Escape
Some hostages have been killed while others have escaped the Algerian gas facility where at least 20 foreigners and more than 100 Algerians were kidnapped yesterday by al Qaeda-linked militants.Local...
View ArticleAlgeria Is Taking Aggressive Action To End The Hostage Situation One Way Or...
Algeria has gone guns blazing into the oil field raided by Al-Qaeda militants yesterday.EarlierĀ several hostages and some of their captors were killed by an Algerian army helicopter strike.A British...
View ArticleFrance May Already Regret Putting Boots On The Ground In Mali
Zealous world leaders have a poor track record predicting how long conflicts might last before getting their armies involved.That's because when there are "boots on the ground," situations can rapidly...
View ArticleCompletion Of The $382 Billion F-35 Fighter Project Is Nowhere In Sight
It's supposed to be the future of American air combat power, but the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Fighter may as well be called the "flying problem child."It's had issues with its software, which...
View ArticleMaybe This Hilarious Video Will Help Walmart Find Its 100K Ex-Military Employees
Only days ago, Wal-Mart announced plans to hire 100,000 military veterans to work in their retail stores over the next five years, but it didn't take long for the jokes to come.Some in my own military...
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