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'It’s unprecedented, we have never seen this before': How ISIS makes and supplies deadly IEDs


IED baghdad

ISIS has taken the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to a nearly industrial level as the terror group continues to hold onto territory in Iraq and Syria, Foreign Affairs reports.

The terror group, which holds large swathes of territory in both Iraq and Syria despite being pressured from nearly all sides, has turned to the use of IEDs as a major force multiplier.

An investigator for Conflict Armament Research (CAR) told Foreign Affairs that ISIS's use of IEDs has reached a "quasi-industrial scale." 

“It’s unprecedented. We have never seen this before—it’s in the thousands and thousands. It’s not just a few roadside bombs. There are literally fields of them," the CAR researcher told Foreign Affairs. 

CAR's analysis has been confirmed by the US Department of Defense's Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency (JIDA). A spokesman from that organization told Foreign Affairs that ISIS has totally changed the nature of the threat from IEDs in Iraq. 

"Previously in Iraq, we would go after the lone bomb-maker using captured biometrics off an IED and try to link events together from that," the JIDA spokesman told Foreign Affairs.  "But now, we face IED factories on an industrial scale, with significant supply chains and funding lines.”

isis oil plant airstrike

JIDA notes that this huge ramping up of the construction of IEDs has caused Iraq to become the single most affected country by IED attacks in the world. According to the organization, 11,500 IED explosions caused upwards of 35,000 casualties in 2015 alone. 

And this upsurge in IED-related casualties linked to ISIS comes even as the US-led anti-ISIS coalition continues to hammer away at the group with airstrikes. Coalition airstrikes in the past have targetedmultiple ISIS car bomb and IED factories. 

However, due to the large amount of territory and civilian areas that ISIS holds, the group is still managing to find hidden locations to continue constructing its most devastating weapon.

SEE ALSO: Photos take us inside ISIS' underground lair

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NOW WATCH: EX-PENTAGON CHIEF: These are the 2 main reasons ISIS was born

Russia claims to be developing a new missile for use in the Arctic


Tor missile russia  M1 SAM

Russian state news agency TASS reported on March 2 that Moscow is developing a missile system for surface-to-air defense in the Arctic.

The news comes one day after NATO's top commander Philip Breedlove warned the US Congress that Russia is increasingly militarizing the Arctic.

Russia has been beefing up its military presence in the Arctic as an overall warming of the region's climate creates increased access to natural resources and transportation opportunities.

The Arctic missile system will be based on Russia's Tor missile system, which specializes in short-range counterattacks on incoming aircraft or cruise missiles.

The developer, Russian state arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey, also designed the powerful S-300 and Buk missile systems.

TASS quoted the company as saying it has started research and development on "an Arctic version of the Tor short-range air defense missile system."

Last March, Russia conducted a major military exercise in the Arctic involving 38,000 personnel, as well as aircraft and submarines.

Weeks later, the defense ministers of five Nordic nations - Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland - released a joint declaration that Europe must strengthen military collaboration to counter Russian aggression.

arctic trade routes holy grail

SEE ALSO: Russia and Syria may be deliberately targeting hospitals in Syria

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NOW WATCH: Russian Arctic troops train with reindeer

Assessing the risk of an ISIS 'dirty bomb'


isis islamic state militantsISIS’ potential acquisition of radioactive material generates a potential scenario in which the Sunni extremist group may try to produce and use a “dirty bomb”.

Over the past two weeks, radioactive material stolen from a facility in Iraq has reinvigorated fears regarding the capacity for ISIS to obtain nuclear compounds.

The subsequent revelation that the ISIS-linked perpetrators of the November Paris attacks were also covertly surveilling a high-ranking Belgian nuclear official have only escalated these concerns further.

In assessing these two developments together, the conclusion is substantial: ISIS nuclear espionage in Belgium demonstrates a focused intention to acquire radioactive substances, and the theft in Iraq denotes the ease and proximity of their attainment.

Though the materials were recently found abandoned on the side of an Iraqi freeway, the acquisition of nuclear material may be within the capacity of ISIS.

Considering the immense logistic, scientific, and technical barriers to assembling a full-fledged nuclear device, analysts have broadly recognized that ISIS may instead be plotting to craft a “dirty bomb” — a device combining conventional explosives with nuclear materials.

These estimations, however, raise more questions than are answered, and it is important for such a fear-inducing risk to be wholly represented. How probable really is it for ISIS to develop a “dirty bomb,” and what is the full nature and impact of the impending threat that would follow?

Higher than perceived probability

Fat man nuke

Due to the relative technical simplicity of a “dirty bomb,” the probability of ISIS launching a radioactive attack depends almost entirely on the acquisition of rare radioactive compounds. With the organization’s nuclear intentions now apparently clear, there are two primary sources from which these high-risk prerequisites could be secured.

In light of the recent developments in Iraq and Belgium, the first and most prominent means through which ISIS might seek lucrative nuclear materials is through force or theft. With nuclear substances found in radiological devices, laboratories, and nuclear power plants around the world, the risk is present both within its base of operations in the Middle East and North Africa as well as in any number of countries where ISIS members are active.

The terrorist group has already been reported as having seized roughly 40 kg of uranium compounds from an Iraqi university in 2014, though the United Nations later categorized the materials as “low grade” and insignificant. In fact, the notion that ISIS operatives may have sought radioactive materials from Belgium suggests that local sources — namely Syria and Iraq — have been deemed less adequate for constructing an effective radiological explosive. This is likely a result of neither country possessing the larger sums of radioactive materials seen in countries with nuclear power plants, combined with the consistently poor nuclear security in Belgium.


Recognizing ISIS capabilities and reach, the potential exists for the organization to seek highly radioactive materials from nuclear power plants through the coercion of nuclear officials, as appears to have been the plan in Belgium. These materials yield a significantly greater risk than those obtained from the medical and industrial devices sought after in Iraq and Syria, but are also more challenging to acquire.

The prospect of combining smaller amounts of radioactive materials seized across ISIS territory ultimately presents the greater probability for a “dirty bomb,” albeit with a lower threat from radiation.

A second means through which ISIS might acquire nuclear materials is through the black market, from which deals involving the sale of nuclear materials to the organization have already been thwarted. Such deals have in the past been contained by the FBI and other intelligence agencies, though they are likely to be continued in practice.

Between these two methods for acquiring radioactive substances, the probability of ISIS detonating some form of “dirty bomb” is high.

A broad range of impacts


With a high risk of ISIS potentially utilizing a radioactive explosive device the question now turns to how impactful such an attack would be.

According to senior Iraqi officials, the recently radioactive stolen and later found materials amounted to approximately ten grams of Iridium-192, a standard supply found within medical and industrial devices utilizing radiography. While the scale of harm is determined by a variety of factors such as grade and half-life, and while the materials were ultimately recovered, the figure helps to provide an overview of the impacts expected from an ISIS “dirty bomb”.

iridiumHarm caused by radiation is measured in units called microsieverts.

Ten grams of Iridium-192 contains roughly 3,500 curies of radiation, which translates into approximately 1.5 million microsieverts per hour to individuals standing 10 feet away if the material is concentrated in one area unshielded.

For perspective, 100,000 microsieverts is the lowest yearly dose linked to increased cancer risk, and 2 million microsieverts results in often fatal radiation poisoning. Thus, the ten grams of Iridium-192 available to ISIS through devices scattered across Iraq and Syria is dangerous within minutes of exposure and potentially deadly over hours.

However, it is important to recognize that an equivalent “dirty bomb” would entail the explosive dispersal of radioactive material over a much broader space, diluting the radiation impact significantly and leaving only minor physical risk outside of the initial blast itself.

Since ISIS is most probable to obtain radioactive materials from devices in Iraq and Syria, the physical impact of a hypothetical ISIS device will likely be low and is prone to being overstated. Should ISIS acquire larger amounts of radioactive matter from the less likely scenarios of the nuclear black market or infiltrations of foreign nuclear plants, the threat from radiation becomes a significant concern.

The most probable risk generated by an ISIS “dirty bomb” is the wide-spread panic that would likely follow. Areas surrounding the detonation would be shut-down for weeks or even months depending on the half-life of the substance used, resulting in severe local economic loses.

Russian airstrike Syria

Geopolitical tensions may also be escalated, as the complex web of countries involved in Syria, Iraq, and the war against the Islamic State would likely ratchet up military involvement on all sides.

In short, the Islamic State’s intentions to construct a radioactive weapon are a concerning probability. The scope of such a weapon’s physical impact is limited. Given the difficulties of covertly transporting radioactive materials, such an attack is most likely to occur within the proximity of ISIS core territory. But the resources and organization of the terrorist group ensure that the threat is a truly global in nature.

SEE ALSO: Russia and Syria may be deliberately targeting hospitals in Syria

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NOW WATCH: EX-PENTAGON CHIEF: These are the 2 main reasons ISIS was born

Army to field eye protection that adapts to changing light conditions and resists shrapnel


army eyewear

As part of its new Soldier Protection System, the US Army plans to field eye protection that adjusts to daytime and night conditions so soldiers won't have to constantly change eyewear on operations.

Senior Army equipment officials on Wednesday discussed the new body armor system with lawmakers at a hearing before the House Armed Services Tactical Air & Land Forces Subcommittee on the ground force modernization budget request for fiscal 2017.

Army Lt. Gen. John Murray, Army deputy chief of staff, G-8, told lawmakers that soldiers have typically had to carry two pairs of protective eyewear over the last 15 years -- one for day and one for night.

"It doesn't sound like much, but that is a huge deal to not have to physically transition eye protection," Murray said. "The actual lenses do it for you."

The Soldier Protection System, or SPS, is a full ensemble that goes beyond torso protection and provides the soldier with improved protection for vital areas such as the head and face.

Rep. Niki Tsongas, a Democrat from Massachusetts, asked about the recent decision to accelerate the program and the incorporation of sensors designed to monitor a soldier's vital signs.

The Army's 2017 budget request shows a significant increase in research and development of the effort, from about $5 million to $16 million, she said.

"The additional funding helps to get us there sooner," said Army Lt. Gen. Michael Williamson, military deputy to the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics, and technology. "Although we were looking at these systems simultaneously, the way the funding allocated wasn't until 2019 that we could get to the integrated sensor suite."

soldier protection system

The integrated sensors portion of the SPS is "a really important component because what that will allow you do is not only measure things like heart rate but it will also give you feedback on things like hydration," he said.

Eye protection is another key part of the SPS, Williamson said.

"One of the more impressive things they are doing is building transitional eyewear that allows a soldier to move from a dark environment into the light and back and forth without the disorientation that occurs because of that change in environment," he said, adding that the new eyewear also increases the blast fragmentation protection by about 10 percent.

The new Modular Scalable Vest portion of the SPS features a more streamlined design compared to the current Improved Outer Tactical Vest.

The most noticeable feature of the SPS is the new Ballistic Combat Shirt, or BCS, which has been updated with soft armor on the neck, shoulders, high chest and high back to protect against 9mm rounds and shrapnel. The lower part of the shirt is still a breathable, fire-resistant material.

It also features the Integrated Head Protection System, which gives the soldier the ability to attach extra armor to the top of the helmet to provide additional protection against snipers shooting down on soldiers riding in an open turret, as well as the armored facemask to protect against gunfire and shrapnel.

The SPS is also part of the Army's effort to lighten the soldiers load, Williamson said.
"The goal for the entire system is 10 to 15 percent less weight than the soldier carries today," he said.

electronic warfare counter IED afghanistan

Marine Brig. Gen. Joe Shrader, commander of Marine Corps Systems Command told lawmakers that the Marine Corps often works with the Army on individual protection equipment programs, such as the new "Enhanced Combat Helmet that we have developed with the Army and now are final stages if fielding the first 77,000 of those."

SEE ALSO: The Pentagon is trying to court hackers from Silicon Valley

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NOW WATCH: The coolest phrases only people in the military use

Iranian-backed Shiite militias show off US-made equipment in Iraq


shia militia abrams

Two Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias are shown above transporting US-made vehicles and equipment on the road to the central Iraqi city of Samarra, where battles against the Islamic State are currently ongoing. The two militias are influential in the Popular Mobilization Front, the militia umbrella organization that is backed by the Iraqi government and led by a US-designated terrorist who is an agent of Iran.

The videos were re-released by other outlets, including one that has English-language captions detailing the equipment.

One militia, Kata’ib Hezbollah (or the Hezbollah Brigades), was seen moving an M1 Abrams tank, three M198 howitzers, and at least one M88 Recovery Vehicle, Humvee, and a Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) cargo truck each. The other militia, Asaib al Haq (League of the Righteousness), which is led by several US-designated terrorists, was seen transporting at least two M113 armored personnel carriers.

This is not the first time Iraqi Shia militias have been seen with US-made equipment and vehicles. Earlier last year, Hezbollah Brigades, a US-designated foreign terrorist organization, showed an Abrams flying the Hezbollah Brigades flag. Additionally, the group has also published two videos from Iraq’s Anbar province in which several US-made vehicles are used by its forces. [See LWJ report, Video shows Hezbollah Brigades convoy transporting American M1 tank, and Threat Matrix report, Hezbollah Brigades flaunts US equipment in Anbar operation.]

The Badr Organization, another Iranian-backed Shiite militia, has also publicized photos showing its forces in possession of an Abrams. These photos showed the militia with the tank, and at least one US AT-4 anti-tank rocket, near Saqlawiyah in Anbar last year. [See Threat Matrix report, Badr Organization fighters pose with US M1 Abrams tank.]

Last month, Kata’ib Sayyid al Shuhada (KSS), which is closely linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) — Qods Force and led by US-designated terrorist Mustafa al Sheibani, was seen using an M1 Abrams likely in Iraq’s Salahadin Province. [See Threat Matrix report, Iranian-backed militia seen with US tank in Iraq.]

Photos showing the Hezbollah Brigades transporting the US-made equipment:

shia militia howitzer

shia militia humvee

shia militia howitzer

shia militia m88

shia militia howitzer

shia militia howitzer

Asaib al Haq transporting M113 APC’s:

shia militia M113 APC

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US: Yes, China, we did send a small armada to the South China Sea


USS Stennis NavyThe US Navy has deployed a small armada to the disputed islands in the South China Sea, according to The Navy Times.

America's USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier, destroyers Chung-Hoon and Stockdale, cruisers Antietam and Mobile Bay, and Japan's Blue Ridge were deployed after China installed HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles on Woody Island, one of the most central swathes of land in the disputed waters.

"China is clearly militarizing the South China Sea, and you'd have to believe in the flat Earth to think otherwise," Cmdr. Harry Harris, of the US Pacific Command, recently warned Congress.

"Our ships and aircraft operate routinely throughout the Western Pacific — including the South China Sea — and have for decades," Navy Cmdr. Clay Doss said in a statement.  "In 2015 alone, Pacific Fleet ships sailed about 700 combined days in the South China Sea."

But a carrier strike group's presence in the disputed waters speaks for itself.

"Clearly the Navy and DoD is demonstrating its full commitment to presence and freedom of navigation in the region,” said Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain and analyst with the Center for a New American Security in Washington, DC, told The Navy Times. "With the full carrier strike group and the command ship, the Navy is showing the scope of its interests and ability to project presence and power around the world."

South China Sea

Additionally, US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said on Tuesday that the US is willing to spend $425 million on joint military exercises with nations in the Pacific that feel threatened by China's militarization of the major trade route.

Of course, China denied militarizing the region and went as far as to blame the US instead, warning that the US was committing a "miscalculation of the situation."

"If you take a look at the matter closely, it's the US sending the most advanced aircraft and military vessels to the South China Sea," Fu Ying, the spokeswoman for the Chinese legislature, said.

She continued:

The US has made it clear that it will deploy 70 per cent of its navy to the Asia-Pacific region under its strategy of pivoting to Asia. The US has stepped up military moves with its alliances and its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Isn't this militarization?

China has created islands with military-grade runways and missile-defense hardware on islands claimed by Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei.

south china seas

SEE ALSO: The South China Sea will be the battleground of the future

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This helicopter-plane hybrid aircraft could be a game changer for the US military



The US military's research and development office announced on Thursday the next phase in a bid to build an unmanned vertical takeoff and landing "X-Plane," and it could be a game changer for soldiers on the ground.

The X-Plane has similarities with the military's V-22 Osprey, which can takeoff and land like a helicopter and fly like an airplane, but the big difference this time is there's no pilot onboard. It would be flown remotely, much like the military's Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aerial systems.

It's a potential game changer for pilots and soldiers alike, moving drone aircraft away from just being used for surveillance and targeting.

A common problem for wounded soldiers is trying to keep a medevac helicopter safe from enemy fire, but with the VTOL X-Plane, that risk would be greatly reduced.

Instead, since there'd be no danger to a pilot, the X-Plane could be used in more diverse missions, like transporting troops, rescuing wounded soldiers during medical evacuations, dropping off supplies, and special operations, a spokesman for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency told Tech Insider.

It's still a ways off. Right now, the aircraft is still just a concept, with Aurora Flight Sciences taking the lead on building and testing it, which it hopes will be some time in 2018.

The design currently features two large rear wings and two small front "winglets" on its nose, powered by the same engine used in the Osprey aircraft. If all goes well, it could reach a top speed of about 460 mph, all while being capable of carrying around 4,000 pounds of gear or troops.

“This is an extremely novel approach,” Ashish Bagai, DARPA program manager, said in a statement. “It will be very challenging to demonstrate, but it has the potential to move the technology needle the farthest and provide some of the greatest spinoff opportunities for other vertical flight and aviation products.”

Here's the concept video:

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The 34 oddest names for groups of animals

The world in photos this week


A selection of photos from some of this week's biggest news that you might have missed.

SEE ALSO: Photos take us inside ISIS' underground lair

Migrants stand near a burning makeshift shelter set ablaze in protest against the partial dismantlement of the camp for migrants called the "Jungle", in Calais, France, March 3, 2016.

Stranded refugees and migrants try to bring down part of the border fence during a protest at the Greek-Macedonian border, near the Greek village of Idomeni, February 29, 2016.

A man walks on the rubble of damaged buildings in the rebel-controlled area of Jobar, a suburb of Damascus, Syria March 2, 2016.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Rebels in Syria fought with rare, expensive Nazi-made rifles


World War II history buffs are going to lose their minds. A Syrian rebel faction called the al-Tawhid Brigade stumbled on an arms cache of 5,000 German WWII-era Sturmgwehr 44 (STG-44) rifles.

The STG-44 was designed to increase the volume of fire for German infantry units fighting on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Red Army. It accomplished this mission but was developed too late in the war to make an impact.

Sturmgewehr 44

A German soldier demonstrates a Sturmgwehr equipped with a scope during testing in 1943.

The rebels thought they’d found a cache of Ak-47s. The two don’t look that much alike, but it’s understandable how the ill-armed and ill-equipped group would get excited at their find anyway.

ak stg 44

Besides, there’s little reason to see how 5,000 Nazi-built rifles worth an estimated $30,000 apiece ended up in the Syrian desert.

The al-Tawhid Brigade was an Islamist faction originally allied with the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Coalition against the government of Bashar al-Asad. In 2013, the al-Tawhid Brigade along with 11 other factions, would leave the Coalition and join al-Qaeda. That same year, its head commander died of wounds sustained in a Syrian government air strike and the group’s membership would defect to the various other groups fighting pro-Asad forces. The group is now defunct.

There is no word on what happened to the rare, expensive Nazi relics. For those keeping tabs at home, that’s a $150 million dollar loss.

Keep an eye out for those STG-44s. They’ve shown up in state-sponsored gun buybacks in California and Connecticut.

SEE ALSO: Photos of American troops smoking and drinking at Hitler's private residence after World War II

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NOW WATCH: This military tradition calls for swimming where no human has ever swum before

This is what it looks like when the Air Force tests its jet engines


The Air Force's aircraft would be nothing without the incredible amounts of work and technology that goes into each airframe's engines. 

To ensure the safetly and function of each engine, they are subjected to a series of incredible testing on the ground. At this point, the engines are not yet attached to aircraft. And even after a series of testing, engines are still subjected to frequent mechanical checkups to ensure as much as possible that nothing will go wrong mid-flight.

Even after engines are used in flight, they are frequently taken off of planes and checked and tuned up. Here, an afterburner glows during a test engine run and diagnostics on an F-15 engine following repair.

air force engine testing

Air Force spouses watch a US Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft engine run at the Hush House jet engine test facility.

air force engine testing

Senior Airman Daniel San Miguel, an aerospace propulsion journeyman, oversees an F110-GE-129 engine being tested during its afterburner phase at Misawa Air Base, Japan.

us air force engine

Members of the 23rd Component Maintenance Squadron Propulsion Flight perform maintenance on a TF-34 engine that belongs to an A-10C Thunderbolt II.

us air force engine

Senior Airman John Fleetwood inspects an augmenter flame-holder and spray-rings during an engine tear down for an F-15.

us air force engine

SEE ALSO: This chart shows the incredible cost of operating the US Air Force's most expensive planes

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NOW WATCH: The US Navy's last line of defense is this ultimate gun

A Navy SEAL told us why we should ‘do something that sucks’ every day


Jesse Itzler felt he was in a rut. So he asked Navy SEAL David Goggins to live with him for 31 days, during which Jesse would do anything David told him to do.

Jesse would later write "Living With A Seal" documenting the grueling experience of getting whipped into shape by one of the toughest men on the planet. They ran through snow storms, jumped into a frozen lake, and did lots and lots of push-ups. 

The adopted the philosophy "if it doesn't suck, we don't do it." David and Jesse explain in order to get better you need to constantly take yourself out of your comfort zone, or do something that sucks every day.

Produced by Joe Avella

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Taliban says will not take part in Afghan peace talks


Head of U.S. delegation Michael Mckinley (C) listens during a meeting in Kabul, Afghanistan, January 18, 2016.  REUTERS/Omar Sobhani

The Taliban said on Saturday it would not take part in peace talks brokered by a four-way group including representatives of Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States.

The Taliban, ousted from power in a U.S.-led military intervention in 2001, has been waging a violent insurgency to try to topple the Western-backed Afghan government and reestablish a fundamentalist Islamic regime.

Following a meeting of the so-called Quadrilateral Coordination Group made up of representatives of the four countries in Kabul in February, officials said they expected direct peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban to begin in early March.

But the Taliban, which calls itself the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, publicly denied they would be participating in any upcoming talks in Islamabad.

With the American troops remaining in the country conducting air strikes and special operations raids in support of the Kabul government, the Taliban would not participate in talks, the group said in a statement.

"We reject all such rumors and unequivocally state that the leader of Islamic Emirate has not authorized anyone to participate in this meeting," the statement said. "(Islamic Emirate) once again reiterates that unless the occupation of Afghanistan is ended, black lists eliminated and innocent prisoners freed, such futile misleading negotiations will not bear any results."

isw afghanistan

Direct talks between Kabul and the Taliban have been on hold since last year's announcement of the death of the movement's founder and long-time leader Mullah Mohammed Omar some two years earlier.

New leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour has laid down preconditions for taking part in any talks as he struggles to overcome factional infighting, with some breakaway groups opposing any negotiations whatsoever.

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NOW WATCH: The 5-year-old Afghan boy who wore a plastic bag Lionel Messi jersey has had his life flipped upside down

US: ISIS is losing, fight against them 'going to accelerate'


isis airstrike

Islamic State is losing a battle against forces arraigned against if from many sides in Iraq and Syria and the focus would turn to stabilizing cities seized back from them, the US envoy to a coalition fighting the group said on Saturday.

Addressing a press conference in Baghdad, US official Brett McGurk declined to put a timeline on when the group would be defeated or when Mosul and Raqqa, the main cities under its control in Iraq and Syria respectively, would be retaken.

McGurk met in Baghdad Iraqi officials including Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi who said in December that 2016 would be a year of "final victory" over the group in Iraq.

"Daesh is feeling pressure now from all simultaneous directions and that's going to continue .. that’s going to accelerate," McGurk said at the press conference, using an acronym for Islamic State. "Daesh is losing; as they lose we focus increasingly on stabilization," he added, referring to plans being made to rehabilitate and police cities recaptured from militants.

Islamic State has come under pressure from air raids and ground forces actions by various parties in both countries, but they still hold large tracts of land.

SEE ALSO: Watch US-led coalition airstrikes destroy ISIS' IED and oil facilities

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NOW WATCH: EX-PENTAGON CHIEF: These are the 2 main reasons ISIS was born

Map shows how ISIS is expanding to Southeast Asia


ISIS southeast asia

ISIS is using its safe haven and foreign fighter population in Iraq and Syria to expand influence in Southeast Asia, in pursuit of its grand strategic objective to rule all Muslim lands.

ISIS’s Syria-based Southeast Asian fighters are resourcing and directing local networks to launch attacks. Competition between militant elements vying to lead the Southeast Asian pro-ISIS movement will likely encourage increased jihadist attacks in the short term, threatening urban areas and Western interests in the region.

Support from ISIS’s safe haven may also facilitate the creation of an active, trans-national ISIS affiliate in Southeast Asia in the medium term.  

The US has opportunity to counter ISIS’s network in Southeast Asia before it develops further. ISIS claimed it first attack in the region on January 14 in Jakarta, an act that belied ISIS’s ambitions but reflected relatively low military capability.

Southeast Asian jihadist groups are fragmented and face pressure from domestic counterterrorism operations. ISIS's campaign in Southeast Asia is at an early stage, so the group currently poses a lower threat to security there than it does in Libya, Egypt, and Afghanistan, where its affiliates enjoy sanctuary, and in Yemen, where its affiliate is prolonging a civil war.

Early action against ISIS’s Southeast Asian supporters can limit ISIS’s ability to develop an affiliate in the area, particularly as those supporters face resistance from locally-focused and al Qaeda-associated groups.

SEE ALSO: Watch US-led coalition airstrikes destroy ISIS' IED and oil facilities

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NOW WATCH: ISIS is afraid of girls — here's why

US National Guard may join cyber offense against Islamic State


U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter (R) is briefed on the capabilities of the National Guard Cyber Unit at Joint base Lewis-McChord, Washington, March 4, 2016. REUTERS/Tim D. Godbee/DoD photo/Handout via Reuters

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the National Guard's cyber squadrons will play an increasingly important role in assessing the vulnerabilities of US industrial infrastructure and could be asked to join the fight against Islamic State.

The National Guard - a reserve military force that resides in the states but can be mobilized for national needs - is a key part of the military's larger effort to set up over 120 cyber squadrons to respond to cyber attacks and prevent them.

One such unit, the 262nd squadron, is a 101-person team that includes employees of Microsoft Corp and Alphabet Inc's Google. The unit is "famous throughout the country" for several high profile vulnerability assessments, Carter said at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Tacoma, Washington late on Friday.

He told reporters the squadron was not currently engaging in offensive cyber missions but could be in the future.

"Units like this can also participate in offensive cyber operations of the kind that I have stressed we are conducting, and actually accelerating, in Iraq and Syria, to secure the prompt defeat of ISIL, which we need to do and will do," Carter said. "We're looking for ways to accelerate that, and cyber's one of them."

The 262nd squadron's work includes a study last year on the control system used by Snohomish County Public Utility District in Washington state, which helped the utility strengthen its security, and a 2010 case in which the US Air Force briefly lost contact with 50 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles.

National Guard

The 2010 assessment cost about $20,000, much less than the $150,000 that a private sector company would likely charge, said Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Borchers, deputy commander of the 252nd Cyber Operations Group, which oversees the 262nd squadron.

Borchers said the squadron is the only National Guard group that currently assesses industrial control systems, but it is now looking to train others. It is also studying the security of big weapons programs, such as the B-52 bomber.

Using National Guard units for such work made sense because it allowed the military to benefit from private sector cyber experts, Carter said.

"It brings in the high-tech sector in a very direct way to the mission of protecting the country," he told reporters. "And we're absolutely going to do more of it."

SEE ALSO: Photos take us inside ISIS' underground lair

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The 'Zulu Cobra' helicopter is one of the Marines' most powerful weapons

Stunning images of the massive multinational NATO military exercise in Europe's far north


cold response 2016

Norway is currently playing host to a massive multi-national NATO exercise that is meant to enhance the military organization's collective response capabilities.  

Hosted in Norway's central region, Cold Response is an annual military exercise. This year, the exercise will be comprised of 15,000 personnel from over ten countries. Some of the countries participating are NATO members Canada, France, and non-NATO country Sweden. 

The US's contribution to Cold Response 2016 include tanks, mobile artillery, and special operations units. 

You can view photos of the exercise below.

SEE ALSO: 19 stunning images of US paratroopers doing what they do best

Cold Response is a Norwegian invitational previously-scheduled exercise that will involve approximately 15,000 troops from 13 NATO and partner countries.

The cold weather exercise is designed to enhance partnerships and collective crisis response capabilities.

The operation is being held in Central Norway.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

The annual US-South Korea military drill that freaks out North Korea is happening right now


north korea accuses the us of using the exercises as a practice run for an invasion

South Korean and US troops began large-scale military exercises on Monday in an annual test of their defenses against North Korea, which called the drills "nuclear war moves" and threatened to respond with an "all-out" offensive.

South Korea said the exercises would be the largest ever following North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January and a long-range rocket launch last month that triggered a UN Security Council resolution and tough new sanctions.

The joint US and South Korean exercises, known as Key Resolve and Foal Eagle, involves approximately 17,000 American troops and more than 300,000 South Koreans.

"Things could get dicey in the next couple months,"Bruce Klingner, a Korea expert at the Heritage Foundation told Marine Corps Times.

"We're already seeing North Korea starting to issue threats: If the US doesn’t stop these exercises or doesn’t cancel these exercises, North Korea may take appropriate action. They also highlight that there are a number of strategic assets that will be part of it: nuclear-capable submarines, B-52s, F-22s, etc., special forces Marines — all of which, in North Korean eyes, or the North Korean depiction, is a prelude to an attack on North Korea," Klingner said.

sk us

Isolated North Korea has rejected criticism of its nuclear and rocket programs, even from old ally China, and last week leader Kim Jong Un ordered his country to be ready to use nuclear weapons in the face of what he sees as growing threats from enemies.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea routinely issues threats of military action in response to the annual exercises that it sees as preparation for war against it.

The threat on Monday was in line with the usual rhetoric it uses to denounce the drills.

foal eagle involves 12500 us troops and approximately 200000 south korean military personnel

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei noted that North Korea had already said it opposed the drills, adding that Beijing was "deeply concerned" about the exercises.

"China is linked to the Korean Peninsula. In terms of the peninsula's security, China is deeply concerned and firmly opposed to any trouble-making behavior on the peninsula's doorstep. We urge all sides to keep calm, exercise restraint and not escalate tensions," he told a daily news briefing.

The latest UN sanctions imposed on North Korea were drafted by the United States and China as punishment for its nuclear test and satellite launch, which the United States and others say was really a test of ballistic missile technology.

thaadSouth Korea's spy agency said it would hold an emergency cyber-security meeting on Tuesday to check readiness against any threat of cyber attack from the North, after detecting evidence of attempts by the North to hack into South Korean mobile phones.

South Korea has been on heightened cyber alert since the nuclear test and the rocket launch.

South Korea and the US militaries began talks on Friday on the deployment of an advanced anti-missile Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system in South Korea. 

(Reporting by Jack Kim and James Pearson; Additional reporting by Jessica Macy Yu in BEIJING; Editing by Robert Birsel)

SEE ALSO: Incredible photos of the military drill that's freaking out North Korea

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Keanu Reeves is wicked at a gun range


A video released by firearms dealer Taran Tactical Innovations features the star of John WickPoint Break, and The Matrix throwing some serious lead downrange at what’s known as a “3-gun course.”

keanu reeves shooting range 3 gun

3-gun is a shooting exercise where competitors use three firearms: a sporting rifle, a pistol, and a shotgun. The shooter must move through stages and hit targets from various ranges using each of the different firearms. And, judging by the video footage, Keanu Reeves is good at it.

The targets on the range are anywhere from 5 inches to 100 feet away. The video caption reads “Keanu and the guys at 87 Eleven are putting in WORK!”

keanu reeves 87 eleven

87 Eleven is an “Action Design” company whose directors, David M. Leitch and Chad Stahelski, also provide fight choreography, stunt work, and training for movie projects. The company provided training on Reeves’ film John Wick as well as 300, Fight Club, the Hunger Games series, and even Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” music video.

Taylor Swift, it’s time for your own CQB video.

SEE ALSO: Watch the incredible martial arts training South Korean special forces go through

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